5 de agosto de 2013

Disturbing New Study Illustrates the Dangers Presented by GMO Foods and the Unscrupulous Means of Intimidation Used by Biotech Companies to Prevent Further Research

[A new study published in the Journal of Organic Systems demonstrates hard hitting evidence in the case against GMOs. Many scientists around the world have tried to conduct studies on GMOs and have been routinely harassed, threatened, attacked, or worse. 95% of the studies conducted on GMO are industry funded, while only 5% are independent. Also, anyone who buys GM seeds is required to sign a technology stewardship agreement that says, in part, that they cannot perform research on the seed. Without express permission from the biotech patent-holder, scientists and farmers risk facing lawsuits for conducting any studies.
It is no wonder why it is so difficult to conduct, much less publish, an independent study of the long term effects of GMO. Fortunately eight scientists in Australia were able to conduct a long term toxicology study on pigs fed a combined genetically modified soy and maize diet. The results were compelling and most definitely warrant additional study.
Pigs were the subject of the tests. One group of pigs was fed a conventional diet and one group fed a strictly GM diet. The results: of the pigs fed GM diets 32% had a higher rate of stomach inflammation while only 12% of the non-GM fed pigs exhibited comparable inflammation. Another finding was that the uteri in the GM fed pigs were 25% heavier than the non-GM fed pigs. Below are photos of the stomachs of the pigs. Different levels of stomach inflammation found (clockwise from top left): nil (from a non-GM-fed pig, number B41), mild (from a non-GM-fed pig, number B15), moderate (from a GM-fed pig, number C34) and severe (from a GM-fed pig, number D22).

This study only reinforces the concerns that people have over GMO foods. Predictably, the industry has lashed out calling this “junk science” and fear mongering. However, as we witnessed a few weeks ago, with the millions of folks worldwide “Marching against Monsanto,” people are not buying the bull anymore. The mainstream can ridicule and smear all they want, but the masses are waking up. Once the tipping point is reached by people shifting over to local food purchases, growing their own food, and demanding organic, Monsanto will be the one in exile.
By Matt Agorist, REALfarmacy.com]

via real famacy

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